Monday, 19 February 2007

AJ Cool

Nice enough weekend; Ade's gig on Friday was of the chain. I almost broke my ankle practically running up and down bond street, was so freaking worried i was mega late and going to get a proper telling off, as he mentioned earlier, "Lerie don't be late".
And there was the issue of leaving my darling mboni out in the cold, I really don't get it, in my teens it was about being fashionably late, but this ludicrous habbit has rather stuck on to me, and I promise you not for the better.

First I had to get over my bad hair day melt down, was really bored a couple of nights before, was watching new videos on tv, and thought, gosh, y don't i get a hair cut, wow, great idea, and so the scissors did the job and i thought cool, am really working the 'wierd but it works' look. Anyways enough with that now. i ended up leaving my house to a gig with a beret, then i realised, its actually not bad, its not like am going clubbing or even worse i wasn't exactly going on the pull at this gospel gig.

Making sure we secure the front row, well actually the second row, as on the front row were these girls who thought they were gonna be on trl or something (you know the ones that have to be the brightest and loudest-look at us,if ur blind, hear us- you know the type); anyways, the beats wer slamming, i found my feet and arms moving despite the fact that i wasnt on the alchy...i lie, i did have a large glass of apple martini at mi casa, ok, ok, but u get me

Yeah and there was that other guy, cant remember his name...his lyrics wer tight mehhhnn....'he is the bridge...wat..he is the bridge'

OOps, i forgot to charge my batteries, real smart lerie, u go girl. Had a good time, was hungry though, got home with my ankle almost ripped off (another, long story) at the gig i kept thinking about the spicy wings i forgot to eat, hmmmm, could practically smell them all the way from hendon. But of course, that was the first thing i did as i walked in.....devoured the damn things.


Mamarita said...

I want to see Ade on stage. We are all so like mature now, ah, just yesterday we all ran to the washrooms because someone talking to another guy and people touching people's hands......AHHHH

Didn't anyone teach you not to play with your hair using scissors, although you get that incidentally sexy look. Doesn't happen a lot though, more misses than hits

And who eats stale chicken wings!

Mamarita said...

Ok missy here's how its going to work, you update your blog once a week and the children will not be harmed:)